My husband and I, and three of our four children came to the USA just after 9/11, smart move right! Leaving behind our extended family and friends. We started a new life in a new country, and I often compensated for it by the wonderful American cuisine. Needless to say the pounds crept up on the scale, and soon I was struggling to get into my pants. I put on 20 pounds.
To my dismay, I was diagnosed with diabetes a couple of years later. I was frantic about the disease and had always secretly prayed that I would never be a diabetic. I had just lost 30 pounds and was very proud of myself. My husband and I decided to enlist the services of a dietitian. After consulting with two different dietitians, I realized that I would have to take responsibility for my own health, as I was once again gaining weight, although I followed the dietitian’s diet to the letter.
I am happy to say that I now know exactly how to control my sugar levels, yippee! My biggest learning curve took place at the college of need. Need to know how best to eat for my health.